Numerous approaches can be applied in the field of chiropractic therapy to assist patients in achieving the objectives they have in mind when making an appointment. These techniques often attempt to reduce discomfort, encourage optimal function, increase range of motion, promote good posture, and so forth. It's possible that the sort of chiropractic table utilized during a visit will depend on the appointment's specific objectives and the chiropractor's preferred technique.

The Activator Method is one well-liked approach to serving chiropractic patients. In order to do this, a small hand-held device that exerts a little stress on the spine is used. This is utilized in place of the more common manual spinal manipulation, in which the chiropractor utilizes their hands to help a particular joint or vertebra in the spine regain motion.

An elevation chiropractic table is something a chiropractor might use to use the Activator Method. It is possible to elevate or lower this chiropractic table. A Hi-Lo table is an additional possibility. Without ever getting up from the table, the patient can change from a horizontal to a vertical position on this kind of chiropractic table.

A drop table is a particular sort of chiropractic table that might make it simpler to execute particular treatments. To allow for additional mobility when the chiropractic thrust is delivered, these tables are made with some sections that can drop. These drops could be manual, mechanical, or even powered by air, depending on the kind of chiropractic table.
The specific model the chiropractor chooses will determine the table's drop-capable componentry as well. For instance, one chiropractor might only have a table that supports a cervical drop, while another might have a table that supports lumbar, pelvic, and thoracic drops in addition to the cervical drop.

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